Flag of Egypt Flag of Italy

Egypt/Italy Tour 2003: Introduction


This part of my web site describes the St George's College tour to Egypt and Italy which took place from April 15th to May 13th, 2003. 54 boys and a number of adults (members of staff and parents) went on the tour and it was a wonderful experience.

The CD

On the tour, we (the Hydes) took about 1500 pictures. To these were added a number of pictures taken by Robert Hobson and all these pictures were compiled on our return (actually it took us several months and they only went out in late September) onto a CD which was sold to parents and participants.

The CD was designed with its main pages as a web site and the major content was the pictures, to which were added short text captions.

This site

The purpose of this web version is slightly different to that of the CD. Firstly, there will be more writing, more explanation and more opinion and also there won't be so many pictures displayed. Secondly, the emphasis in the text will be somewhat more personal.


I kept a diary during the trip and it seems natural to lay out the site in chronological order, mixing the account of the day with the photographs for that day.

To see these daily accounts, go to the Diary page and click on the appropriate date.

A general introduction to the tour which includes some basic information on Egypt and Italy is on the About page.

Finally, I would like to add my personal thanks to Corrado for organising the trip which turned out to be such an outstanding and wonderful experience.

Mark Hyde

Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2002 - 2024 (mahyde(at)pentact.co.zw)
Last modified: 3 July 2011 00:35