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Egypt/Italy Tour 2003: Acknowledgements


On the day we returned from the tour, Corrado sent us an email, thanking all those who contributed to the tour. This email is reproduced below.

However, the most important person who needs to be thanked and who is of course not mentioned in that email, is Corrado himself.

Without his energy, organisational ability and long-term planning, together with his incisive handling of problems "on the ground", the trip would never have taken place and would never have been as successful as it was.

Corrado, our great and sincere thanks go to you.

From: "Corrado Trinci"

Subject: Tour: a final comment.....

Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 7:47 PM

Dear Parents and Guardians

Just a quick note before I catch up on some sleep!

The expedition ended a few hours ago... and we are all home safe though suffering from a little disorientation as we 'adjust' back to normal routines!

The tour was the best ever from all points of view. It was, as the boys now echo me, " absolutely marvellous!!"

No difficulties materialized: we were comfortable financially, experienced many wonderful places, ate hugely, and were looked after by many kind people.

I'd like to thank Sr. Hinde, and Mr. and Mrs Hyde for all their help and support. They are just fantastic as a team!

My sister Gabriella for constant back up, hospitality and running the information and communication network... a great thank you!

Our superb driver Mr. Gerardi and his family: again, very generous and hospitable. Who can forget those trays of pizza, hot from the wood-fired oven?

Emma Bertagnin in Calalzo, and her husband Bruno who gave everybody a ride in the red Ferrari - another highlight.....

There were many other kind and helpful people - from the Karnak officials in Egypt to the waiters in the Alps. I will be sending off letters of thanks on behalf of all of us.

May I take the opportunity to thank all the boys and girls. What a privilege for me to share so many happy hours with such a marvellous group of boys and girls! They have become very special to all of us. They were outstanding from all points of view.

I say no more; .....and we will all share the memories of a very special time together.

Thank you parents and guardians for all your support, trust, and confidence in me.

Finally, thanks be to God for his many blessings - and protection in far-flung places...

Wishing you all a happy term

Kind regards


Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2002 - 2024 (mahyde(at)pentact.co.zw)
Last modified: 3 July 2011 00:34