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Images in directory 'idents'

Please note the following:

  1. all these images are thumbnails. The unreduced versions are not on the site.
  2. the layout is rather primitive - as these are private and temporary pages, I haven't taken any trouble with them.
  3. I've given all the pictures for each species, but in many cases we shall of course be selective.
  4. the file names are given to the left of each image.
Ipomoea dichroa 152 all-t.JPGIpomoea dichroa 152 all-t.JPG
Ipomoea dichroa 152 all2-t.JPGIpomoea dichroa 152 all2-t.JPG
Ipomoea dichroa 152 fl-t.JPGIpomoea dichroa 152 fl-t.JPG
Ipomoea dichroa 152 fl2-t.JPGIpomoea dichroa 152 fl2-t.JPG
Ipomoea dichroa 152 fl3-t.JPGIpomoea dichroa 152 fl3-t.JPG
Ipomoea dichroa 152 lf-t.JPGIpomoea dichroa 152 lf-t.JPG
Ipomoea eriocarpa 148 fl-t.JPGIpomoea eriocarpa  148 fl-t.JPG
Ipomoea eriocarpa 148 all-t.JPGIpomoea eriocarpa 148 all-t.JPG
Ipomoea eriocarpa 148 all2-t.JPGIpomoea eriocarpa 148 all2-t.JPG
Ipomoea eriocarpa 148 fl2-t.JPGIpomoea eriocarpa 148 fl2-t.JPG
Ipomoea leucanthemum all-t.JPGIpomoea leucanthemum all-t.JPG
Ipomoea leucanthemumfl-t.JPGIpomoea leucanthemumfl-t.JPG
Ipomoea leucanthemumfl2-t.JPGIpomoea leucanthemumfl2-t.JPG
Pegolettia senegalensis 123 fl-t.JPGPegolettia senegalensis 123 fl-t.JPG
Pegolettia senegalensis 123 fl2-t.JPGPegolettia senegalensis 123 fl2-t.JPG
Pegolettia senegalensis 123 fl3-t.JPGPegolettia senegalensis 123 fl3-t.JPG
Pegolettia senegalensis 123 gp-t.JPGPegolettia senegalensis 123 gp-t.JPG
Sesuvium sp. all46-t.JPGSesuvium sp.  all46-t.JPG
Sesuvium sp. all2-t.JPGSesuvium sp. all2-t.JPG
Sesuvium sp. all5-t.JPGSesuvium sp. all5-t.JPG
Sesuvium sp. fl2-t.JPGSesuvium sp. fl2-t.JPG
Sesuvium sp. fl4-t.JPGSesuvium sp. fl4-t.JPG
Sesuvium sp. fl5-t.JPGSesuvium sp. fl5-t.JPG
Striga sp. y-t.JPGStriga sp. y-t.JPG
Striga yel fl-t.JPGStriga yel fl-t.JPG
Striga yelfl2-t.JPGStriga yelfl2-t.JPG
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Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2002 - 2025 (mahyde(at)
Last modified: 2 July 2011 23:57